mercredi 11 avril 2018

Martian manhunter vs superman prime

Martian manhunter vs superman prime

Martian Manhunter just didn t have a chance against him. At first, he managed to copy the powers of The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Superman and the Martian Manhunter. Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter are great characters that can bring loads of offense but have to go with Supes and Captain Marvel. The Martian Manhunter wins this contest, but not for the reasons you might think. Who would win in the following fight, Superman vs Captain Planet and the.

Superman Prime VS Martian Manhunter - Battles - Comic Vine. As in the case of Asmodel the Angel, or more recently Superboy-Prime, often a new. Superman Prime is back and this time he gets a solid win.

Superman Prime vs Martian Manhunter DReagers Blog.

Superman Prime and Shazam vs. Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter vs. Superman. Who would win and why.?

He has beaten Sodom Yat (with ION Sodom Yat is basically a Superman like character with a Green Lantern Power Ring. Who would win in a three way battle between Superman, Shazam. All he has to do to copy. Inspiring Small Space Decorating Ideas for Studio Apartments.

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Superman Prime vs Martian Manhunter DReagers Blog

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Superman Prime VS Martian Manhunter - Battles - Comic Vine

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