jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Matrimony in a sentence

Matrimony in a sentence

Definition of matrimony Collins English Dictionary Example Sentences Including matrimony. Those in an MBA program, people who enjoy word games, and those who would like to gain additional insight into the meaning. Matrimony Define Matrimony at m He was married in 18and lived in matrimony years. There were times when matrimony itself seemed to him to be a gamble not worth the taking. Vocabulary Builder tool is great for developing a sophisticated vocabulary.

Use matrimony in a sentence matrimony sentence examples How to use matrimony in a sentence. Matrimony - definition of matrimony in English from the Oxford. English vocabulary translation Holy matrimony - Online personalized daily.

How do use matrimony in a sentence - The couple was joined in holy matrimony by the reverend John S. Sentences and phrases with the word matrimony - Word Hippo Looking for sentences or phrases with the word matrimony?

Matrimony Define Matrimony at m

Matrimony - definition of matrimony in English from the Oxford

Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content. The rite, ceremony, or sacrament of marriage: The priest has united them in the bonds of holy. Matrimony in a sentence English with a Smile Posts about matrimony in a sentence written by Jacqueline. English vocabulary translation Holy matrimony English lessons.

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Sentence for matrimony Use matrimony in a sentence

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