mercredi 10 août 2016

Flirt definition

Flirt definition

Flirt pdia En franais, le terme de flirt renvoie une relation amoureuse empreinte de lgret, dnue de sentiments profonds. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to English reference content. Flirt meaning, definition, what is flirt: to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously. Dfinitions : flirt - Dictionnaire de franais Larousse flirt - Dfinitions Franais : Retrouvez la dfinition de flirt, ainsi que les synonymes, citations. Flirt - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam.

Flirting - definition of flirting by The Free Dictionary To act as if one is sexually attracted to another person, usually in a playful manner. Flirt - Dictionary Definition : m flirt. Flirt Define Flirt at m to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions play at love coquet.

Flirt definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary Define flirt and get synonyms. To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with: flirt with danger.

Urban Dictionary: flirt

Flirt Definition of Flirt by Merriam-Webster

Flirt : Dfinition simple et facile du dictionnaire Flirt : dfinition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue franaise. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions). Flirting Define Flirting at m to court triflingly or act amorously without serious intentions play at love coquet.

Flirt meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary. Double entendres, with one meaning more formally appropriate and another. If you re interested in someone romantically, you might flirt with them, which means to chat them up or tease them in a playful way. Flirt Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary days ago. Relations affectives entre personnes de sexe oppos, dnues de sentiment profond et pouvant servir, mais pas ncessairement, de prlude l amour ou.

Le terme anglais, lui, est plus large. A person who is innocently overly friendly, especially the type of friendliness that is interpeted as seduction. The definition of a flirt is a person who habitually behaves in a way designed to be attracting.

Flirt - definition of flirt in English from the Oxford dictionary Behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather. Flirting - , the free encyclopedia Flirting or coquetry is a social and sometimes sexual activity involving verbal or.
Learner s Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and. Flirt dictionary definition flirt defined A woman flirts at a picnic. To think about something or become involved in something.

Definition of flirt written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster. Flirt - definition of flirt by The Free Dictionary To act as if one is sexually attracted to another person, usually in a playful manner. Flirt with meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary. Flirt with definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary Define flirt with and get synonyms. Flirt Definition of Flirt by Merriam-Webster to behave in a way that shows a sexual attraction for someone but is not meant to be taken seriously.

155 from the merger of Early Modern English flirt (to flick flurt (to mock, jibe. 1Kostenloses Zuschauen, Chatten Und Selbst Übertragen.

Flirt pdia

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